Friday, July 06, 2007


A Fundraising Benefit for the Herman Gmeiner Human Resource Institute

SOS Children’s Villages Philippines, together with Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales hosted a merienda cena cocktail last May 3, 2007 at the Archbishop’s Residence in Intramuros, Manila. An afternoon highlighted by the gathering of diplomatic officials, professionals, businessmen, public servant, media and SOS board members, co-workers and friends. The event was graced by the presence of Ambassador Alistair Macdonald (European Union), Ambassador Herbert Jager (Austria), Ambassador Axel Weishaupt (Germany), Irene Flueckiger (Embassy of Switzerland), Aurelio Montinola (BPI), Wilma Zapata (Ayala Corporation), Polly Nazareno (SMART), Ambassador Antonio Cabangon – Chua, Danny Dolor, Congresswoman Cynthia Villar, Milagros Calaquian (Primex), Michelle de Guzman (PNB), Jessica Pariña (PNB), Atty. Miguel Varela (Manila Bulletin) and Gracious Romero (Veritas).

The high – profile guests were welcomed by a heartwarming performance by the delightful children of SOS Children’s Village Manila. His Eminence, Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales acknowledged the presence of everybody as they aptly watched the SOS Audio Visual Presentation, which was consequently followed by the Herman Gmeiner Human Resource Institute video information material. The project aims to serve SOS mothers, staff and other individuals who are interested in providing sufficient care and education to their children. Bienvenido L. Delgado, SOS National Director provided a brief overview of the project concept and objective.

Lilibeth Abella, an SOS Mother, humbly inspired the audience with her life’s mission when she spoke about the SOS children in her care. Her experience was complemented by her own status as an SOS Child from Tacloban. Afterwards, everybody was challenged by Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales, who consequently holds the Chairmanship of the SOS 40th Anniversary National Fundraising Committee, to support this worthwhile endeavor. After all, SOS has cared and supported Filipino children in need for 40 years, thus giving back to the society through Alternative Parental Family Care. The institute encourages the SOS advocacy to reach out to more Filipino children through family strengthening programs.

Helmut Kutin, SOS Kinderdorf International President, punctuated the affair by graciously offering his heartfelt gratitude to the continued support of the Filipino society who embraced the vision of Dr. Herman Gmeiner—strengthening Filipino families and preventing violence against women and children. He established the need for an instrument who has a serious concern for others to guide that person who will one day step out into life; to care for himself, find a family and play a responsible role in the society. He rallied everybody into pledging a long – term commitment to serve and protect the Filipino family.

As a fitting finale, the SOS Manila children echoed the affair’s sentiments into “Heal the World” with the words, “make it a better place, for you and for me.”

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